Tuesday, March 25, 2014

the verdict is in

three twentysomething teachers-in-training, chewing the early morning pedagogical fat:

guy: i'm more of a cat person myself. you know what's great about cats? (he asks this in a tone so sincere -- *cough* condescending -- that, for a brief moment, i wonder if he actually believes that his fellow educators might not have already encountered a cat at some point in their lives. or thought about what a cat is. or developed an awareness of how cats behave.) they're independent. they clean themselves. (one of the girls, with a little giggle: oooh, self-cleaning!) they do everything they need to "do" in a little box. basically, they're the perfect animal. this last statement is practically punctuated with a gavel hitting its sounding block.

given my admitted pet bias (aka my personal disdain for felines, on account of allergies to dander and impertinence -- atchoo!), i find myself thinking many things. but mostly: 1) i'm not sure how i feel about the fact that it's just a matter of time before this guy's educating a litter of young'uns (or maybe i am, for better or for worse, very sure about how i feel about that); and 2) he's surely single...maybe i should set him up with Little Miss Memo?

and now back to translating...

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