Thursday, April 12, 2012

back to the future

remember the eff-bomb from a couple of weeks ago? it's ba-ack! this time, instead of being loosely pushed around by the brazen business boy, it's exploding -- repeatedly and with force -- from the tireless mouths of my neighbouring duo of 70-year-old gents. picture "Grumpy Old Men", but with ties, groomed beards and briefcases instead of tilley hats, 5-o’clock shadows and fishing rods. and with considerably more potent and political anger. i can pretty much see the accompanying pop-up words, similar to -- though less amusing than -- those on the Batman tv series. na-na na-na, na-na na-na, eff-bomb!

"i've been working here for [some number of] years, for [BOMB]'s sake!" *ka-POW-ee!*

"[blah blah blah], so what the [BOMB]'s your problem!" *ker-SPLAT!*

luckily for all of us, these are allies, not enemies. as they get up to leave, one of them turns to me and looks down at my computer. i freeze. this is no stupid man. perhaps, in his 2.5-second glance, he might read this? and send a violent word my way? he smiles warmly, places his hat upon his shiny spalding of a head, and makes a friendly remark about my various computer gadgets. and they both walk out the door. sigh. the coffee shop is just a little less interesting without them...

and now back to translating...

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