Monday, December 9, 2013

unto others (part II)

not only have several people joined me in donating to one or more of the not-for-profit organizations named in last week's post (i'm raising a mega-mug of hot chocolate to Jenna, Renée, and Rory!) but i've also received a number of suggestions for additional not-for-profits to give to. here's the next installation (*drum roll*):

dec 9: the canadian skin cancer foundation, in memory of friend Scott's father.
dec 10: sick kids foundation, in honour of all kids, who -- as cousin Erin rightly reminded me -- are a fundamental part of the wonder and joy of xmas.
dec 11: the canadian red cross, in honour and memory of all those affected by typhoon haiyan.
dec 12: the ottawa humane society, in honour of friend Jenna's cat (Oliver) and our dog (Willow).
dec 13: the salvation army, in honour of Santaclaus (from late last november) and others deserving of dignity they aren't receiving.
dec 14: colon cancer canada, in memory of friend (and blog devotee) Sherry's mom.
dec 15: the arthritis society, in honour of both of my grandmas.
dec 16: canadian contemporary dance theatre, in honour of the art of dance -- one of the loves of my life. in particular, dance among young people who, in this case (versus those where wee ones are smothered in make-up and phony smiles, and encouraged to perform like robot-princes or -princesses *cringe*), bring heart, soul, skill, range and magic to the stage.
dec 17: danny grossman dance company, in honour of the pioneering dance giants, who set the stage decades ago and still forge on.
dec 18: the learning disabilities association of ontario, in honour of friends and family members who have become well-acquainted with adhd, dyslexia, etc.
dec 19: big brothers and sisters, in honour of good friend Alison and her clan, who still prove that "family" is also defined beyond blood ties.

kindly keep your recommendations coming and your generosity flowing.

and now back to translating…

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