Friday, October 4, 2013

the whip

i'm a grande-no-whip-hot-chocolate kinda gal. less than a grande is too little, more is almost always too much, and -- while i couldn't truthfully say i don't like whip cream (it is undeniably delightful) -- i don't love the flavour enough to want to consume all those calories or all that extra sugar on a daily (*gulp*) basis. (plus, sticking with this regimen makes whip cream all the tastier when, in about a week's time, it shows up in giant-homemade-dollop form atop a spectacular slice of Grandma's pumpkin pie. *salivating*)

but, this morning, the campus baristas goofed: missed the "no whip" component of my order. it happens. and it's no problem. on the contrary, i'm of the opinion that goofing (whether "up" or "around") usually serves a constructive purpose. and so i'm inclined to embrace the blunder and wonder what it all might mean. (i know: how new-age!) indeed, it seems that, today, the whip isn't just the sweet, white, foamy mass of fantastic fat it would have us believe it is. no, no. it's a disguised kick in the ass. a lactose-rich hat tip to the key political figure by the same name -- the one "charged with ensuring party discipline among members of the caucus." riiiiiight...discipline. parliament -- having once again been prorogued -- isn't the only one seemingly lacking it lately. just a ten-minute walk southeast of the hill, some of those attempting to produce a thoughtful and coherent thesis proposal are, unfortunately, also in need of just such a whipping. in the words of another ottawa figurewuh-PAH!

and, so, now back to translating a whole lot of readings and scribblings into some semblance of a thesis proposal...

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