Thursday, June 6, 2013


coffeeshopping has taken a temporary hit since a few weeks ago when Luigi and Creepy descended on my usual haunt. (*shiver*) it's seemed like a good idea to keep away from there for a little while. so, in addition to working more frequently at home and in the office (what a concept!), i've been travelling around a bit. sometimes to places relatively far from home. today's feature off-site office, for instance, is aaaaall the way over on the other side of the ottawa river, in the main lobby of the canadian museum of civilization, in gatineau, québec. there's a café in here, actually. but lingering apprehensions keep me at its outskirts, several metres away from the glass wall that separates the smell of java from the aroma of artefacts and hand sanitizer that otherwise pervades the museum air.

still, from this table, the view of the espresso machine is crystal clear. and, before long -- despite my continued lobbying -- i'm ordering a chocolat chaud. and then the phone rings. guess who? it's the Professor, of course. jovial as ever. checking in from our coffee shop headquarters with the usual set of questions -- are you happy? are you working hard? -- and a less usual comment: the nice man who does the crossword puzzle tells me you haven't been here for a while. learning that i'm across the border for the day, he launches into a game of outlandish and hilarious guesses as to my general whereabouts and activities. the last of which particularly hits home: i'll bet you're out on a giant boat, sailing with Jasper! holy Hannah: has he really remembered that (fictitious) character's name? and then, with a kind smile in his voice, he adds: now promise me you're wearing a life jacket.

it's good to have been away. but equally good is knowing when to return home, where everybody -- or at least a handful of baristas and your good friend the Professor -- knows your name. see you in the morning!

and now back to translating...


  1. Love these images. Although I feel I know the locations, the text pushes me into believing that I am surreptitiously intruding in some discrete conversation that is going on. I was pleased and amused at “promise me you're wearing a life jacket.”

    1. yes, the Professor is doing a good job of making sure i'm safe and healthy! ;-) glad you the images speak to you. hooray!
