Wednesday, January 9, 2013

little ditty 'bout Tracy and Joan

now, it's been eighteen whole years since 1995. and just when you thought you'd left the sore spots of that year (whatever they might be) in the past, you find yourself in a coffee shop listening to an uncannily familiar "singing" voice:

...what if god was one of us? just a slob like one of us. just a stranger on the bus... 


oh, yes. it's Joan Osborne. and 1995 is suddenly back with a terrible vengeance. you'd thought it at the time, and you're thinking it again: what are these lyrics?! what is that voice? what kind of a deep-thoughts poet-of-poets does this gal think she is? and, finally, why didn't we hold a referendum on the release of this song? then comes the giant rolling of eyes. (just go with it.) and -- uh-oh! -- the prolonged gagging of self with a spoon. (yikes! don't hurt yourself.)

but there's good news. you've always hoped this song would kick the proverbial bucket. and, sure enough, after a rather torturous five minutes (that you'll never, ever get back), our poetess disappears. and -- thank god! (or is that slob? or stranger?) -- here comes Tracy in her fast car. pedal to the metal, girl! you have no idea how happy i am to see you.

and now back to translating...

ps Joanie, it's "what if god were one of us."

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