Friday, July 29, 2016

open-book barista

the earbuds are in as i'm rediscovering the soundtrack to 500 days of summer ("oh reckless abandon, like no one's watching you") while quietly fine-tuning a translation. but, don't worry, i can still hear her lunchbreak phone call with Dad.

the multisyllabic syndrome she thinks she's been diagnosed with. (detailed twice, cause Dad didn't catch it the first time round.)

how many funds she's entitled to.

when her next shift is.

getting a better picture -- literally: Dad, please text one, stat! -- of the insurance policy. (maybe she'll get her eyes checked out today. plus, she'll need to see the dentist soon.)

how suchandsuch payments got cancelled, and as a result: bouncing cheques.

oh -- and how the stove needs to get fixed soon. 'cause, um, i'd like to use the stove!

thankfully, she's gone over everything with Carmela, so things seem to be ok now. (oh, phew!)

*briefest pause to mow down on her Green Rebel roughage-in-a-box*

and then an "i'm sorry, Dad, i just needed to rub [somethingorother] in and be bitter about the [somethingorother] for a moment. k, i luv you, gotta go."

and yes, of course -- and as i like to think you've already deduced -- uptalk was at FULL throttle.

and now back to translating...