Tuesday, February 18, 2014

when the cat hasn't got your tongue

the other day in the coffee shop, one member of a forty-to-fifty-something female trio gleefully shares: oh, you can never have too many cats!

(uh-oh. somebody didn't get the memo...)

and now back to translating...

Monday, February 17, 2014


i can feel it kick!
womb-deep intoxication.
hot liquid cocoa.

and now back to translating...

Friday, February 14, 2014

even if he says it to everyone

when the tall, sweet, leanly bicepped barista (who's also blessed with a touch of 'rugged' and a smidge of 'dim') pauses after taking your order so he can -- almost under his breath and through a coy smile -- say happy valentine's, blushing is not only inevitable; it is imperative.

and now back to translating...

Sunday, February 9, 2014

like nails on a...

a coffee shop is a great place for many things:

  • a first date
  • a little work
  • perusing the newspaper
  • crossword puzzling
  • people watching
  • catching up with a small gaggle of friends
  • pitstopping in the middle of a long road trip
  • looking for a new job
  • drafting a letter explaining why you're leaving your current job
  • googling, for no particular reason
  • writing the great canadian novel (or just pipedreaming about doing it)
  • enjoying some outside-the-house time with your eighteen-month-old
  • blogging
  • a fiftieth date
  • etc.
something unfolding behind me right now, however, reminds me that there are also things that a coffee shop is not well-suited for: clipping your finger nails. guh-ross. the repeated, piercing *SNAP* is...unpleasant, to put it gently. worse, though (particularly as i attempt to continue enjoying my hot chocolate), is thinking about where exactly the discarded nail bits are landing. pretty sure they're ending up in the basket-like hood of my sweatshirt. *sigh*

and now back to translating...